The term ” ORAL -PRE-CANCER” is relevant to us, Indian Dentists, since the habit of Tobacco is so deep rooted in our country. The continuous placement of tobacco pouch in the mouth or smoking numerous Beddis/ cigarattes causes millions of harmful, cancer causing chemicals to enter into our body through the delicate skin in our mouth.
This habit over more than 8-10 years results in thinning of the skin in the mouth, producing non healing ulcers, white patches, burning sensation in the mouth, etc.
All of which are referred to as “PRE- CANCER STAGE.”
It silently progresses to Oral Cancer & 80% of patients are not aware that cancer in their mouth has developed as it progresses without any symptom of pain/ burning. Only when the lump gets bigger & starts shwing on the face they seek consultation from the dentist.